Holiday Hours!


Hi pals! Here are the Sterling Silver Comics store hours for this holiday season:

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24th: open our regular hours of 12 – 6, but possibly later if demand warrants it!

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2tth: it’s Christmas! We’ll be closed for the day, at home opening presents and almost certainly eating too much.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th: open our regular houses of 11 – 7, and yes, we’ll have new comics! It’ll be a smaller shipment, but there may be other special deals going on that day to make it worth your while to drop by.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 32st: open at noon as usual, but may close early depending on how busy it’s not. We’ll be around at least ’til 4 PM.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1st: It’s New Year’s Day! We’ll be open our regular hours from 11 AM – 7 PM, with the new shipment of comics and goodies available for sale!

We’ll be open our regular hours on all the other days around these special events. If you have any questions, you can always call, email, Facebook, Instagram, or whatever at me. Thanks for reading, and have a good holiday!