Hi pals! Our main distributor of comics, Diamond, is ramping up its shippments again starting this week, so we’ll have a few more goodies headed our way than has been usual for the last couple of weeks:
There are a couple of items on the list that are running behind, but they are on the way, and I should have them within the week. Sorry about that…things are a little confused for the moment, but it’ll all be straightened out soon!
And yes, Marvel didn’t ship out anything new to anyone this week, but we should see new books from them soon.
Okay, and as you may already know, stores like mine aren’t allowed to let anyone inside yet, so I’m still doing curbside pickup…but please feel free to call me or knock on the door when you get here and we can get a purchase processed for you! And if you want me to ship…ship to you I shall! Just contact me and we’ll make arrangements.
I’m also still listing lots of old comics on this Google sheet, so if you have a hankering for the comics of yesteryear, let me know which ones you want off the list! And keep in mind I have plenty more back issues not yet listed, so send along your want lists!
Thanks, friends, for all your patience as we continue adjusting to these strange times. See or talk to you soon!
Also, we should be expecting Wonder Woman #755,