Hi gang! Well, your pal Mike is going all in on this Batman: Three Jokers thing. As I’m sure you already know, there are two “main” variant covers available to order…one with Joker wielding a crowbar, and another of Batman’s cheery visage:
But aside from those, each issue of the three issue Three Jokers mini-series will have three additional premium variants. (I’m sensing a theme, here….) The three premium covers are pictured below:
I am offering a special deal on the premium covers…if you prepay for all three of the premium covers, you will pay only $15.99 (plus tax, if you’re in California…if you’re not local, shipping charges will apply).
If you want all five of the covers — the two regular covers and the three premium variants — the total will be $26.99 (also plus tax and shipping if applicable). Both deals are savings of just over 20% off the cover price.
There will also be 1-in-25 and 1-in-100 ratio variants, but those are not part of the deals.
This special offer will continue theoretically through August 24th (see NOTE in a sentence of two), as issue #1 and all of its variants, premium and ratio, release on the 25th. If the release date is pushed back, the deal will also be extended until just prior to the new release date. NOTE: if I get a large number of preorders, I may cut the deal short just so I have copies left for the shelves, so first come, first served!
Now, I have to order a lot of these books in order to get the premium variants. How they sell for me on this first issue will determine if I’m going to also get the premium covers for the following two issues, so order early, order often! Help me make this decision!
If you want either of these deals, just contact me by email (at mike at sterlingsilvercomics dot com) or via Facebook (facebook.com/sterlingsilvercomics) or even by phone (805-484-4708). Of you can just come in and talk to me in person, so long as we’ll all fully masked and appropriately distanced!
Thanks, and see you at the shop!